Medicine ABC: Receives Regional Merit Award from the Greater ABC Sao Paulo – Brazil – InterCity Consortium : Honor is given annually to individuals, entities and companies nominated by the mayors of Greater ABC – Brazil
ABC Medicine: Receives Regional Merit Award from the Greater ABC InterCity Consortium
CIGC – ie the Greater ABC InterCirty Consortium. The entity that represents the union of the prefectures of the region, presented the ABC 2019 Regional Merit Award on the night of December 03, 2019, in the auditorium of its headquarters in Santo Andre.
Among the institutions recognized this year was the ABC School of Medicine – FMABC – today Centro Universitário Saude ABC, which has just completed 50 (fifty) years of foundation.
ABC Medical School – FMABC
Created in 2018, the ABC Regional Merit Award recognizes the importance and contributions of prominent personalities, companies and institutions in the region. The honor was instituted by the mayors of the region at the ABC Consortium General Assembly in tribute to examples that serve as inspiration to society.
“This award is very important to us because we honor people or institutions who have recognized regional merit, who have done good deeds for the development of the Greater ABC,” said the Consortium president and mayor of Santo Andre, Paulo Serra.
Mayor of Santo Andre – City – Paulo Serra
The ABC Medicine won the award in 2019 by nomination of the municipality of Sao Caetano do Sul. According to Mayor José Auricchio Junior, the conduction of the name of the college was accepted unanimously by the local mayoral council .
“FMABC turns 50 this year.
It is an educational and health entity that has exceeded the limits of ABC, the State of Sao Paulo and Brazil, reaching countries of other continents.
It has a very significant presence in the public health of our region through its sponsor, the ABC Foundation, which carries its brand as a social health organization.
Not only does it serve the cities of ABC , but it also has a very intense presence through the State Department of Health and in other municipalities that end up receiving the services of the organization, whose driving force, the heart, is the ABC Faculty of Medicine, ”said the Sulsancaetanense Chief Executive, who added:
“The college has a strategic role not only in the formation of human resources for health, but comes in a gradual process of transformation. A research center is already in place today, and significant breakthroughs are coming. ”
Rector of ABC University Health Center, Dr. David Everson Uip thanked the mayors and shared the tribute with José Auricchio
Rector of ABC University Health Center, Dr. David Everson Uip thanked the mayors and shared the tribute with José Auricchio – noting that they are both doctors and former students of FMABC.
“This year we had a record number of candidates in the college entrance exam, with 6,200 registered for 120 places in the medical school. We have the largest medical residency program in the state of Sao Paulo and 10 undergraduate programs, starting now in 2020 with Psychology. I understand that the University Center and the School of Medicine help in the public policies of the municipalities of Greater ABC.
FMABC is part of the history of these cities and wants to help in solving the big problems. It is a challenge for the university to break its walls, to go to society, to understand the difficulties, to discuss and to return with options and alternatives for the citizens and the Municipalities ”, assured the rector.
In addition to ABC Medicine, they also received the ABC 2019 Regional Merit Award from
- Coop
- nominated by Santo Andre – SA,
- the Small Citizen Support Center
- Sao Bernardo do Campo – SBC,
- Physician Sang Joon Cha
- Maua,
- Luisa Mell Institute Assistance to Animals and Environment
- Ribeirao Pires,
- The Cristo Rei Social Association
- Rio Grande da Serra and
- Rhodia
- ABC Consortium.

Information Reference
- Credit Photos: Angelo Baima / PSA.
- Press Release with Eduardo Nascimento
- Communication FUABC – ABC Medical Faculty
- +55 (11) 2666-5431
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